...wading (back) in

Much water under the bridge since there were signs of life here.
I'm not sure where or how an acceptance to abandon the things I enjoy and like to do is cultivated. Perhaps ancient patterns wired into my DNA (I'm a fan of CRISPR), the dull imposter thing (I've made good friends with that character), always other demands (the Inner Selfie show will run at the AGO 'til the end of August 2023 - 14 months!), procrastination (luckily breathing is autonomous), a culture of distraction (like you, I'm not alone), a wandering mind (ya, but there's such fertile ground there) and a narrative that continues (evolving) to name a few.

Regardless of such things, I'm wading back in and I've joined a creative cohort to help myself resurrect this project that is dear to me and which, despite all the distractions, has stuck with me. It helps to be in the company of others getting things rolling and I'm going to be working my drawings into a creative practice. Over the course of this 6 month workshop (I'm a month in) I'll be posting here and maybe by the end of the runway it will have become a virtuous habit – and I'll be better at drawing too.
I'd like that. As usual, I imagine all kinds of things coming from this...

I'm keen to evolve this space from a mono(b)log to a dia(b)log. I'm working on how to include a conversational element as part of the practice. Like Nick Cave's Letters? Response to requests or illustrated reader submissions? Like the NY times Tiny Stories? Yet another podcasty thing of conversations? I have dreamt about a continuous scrolling drawing that evolves over time - here's an illustrious reference - illustrations by the inch? A serial affair with prints along the way? A drive for a drawing a day for 365 days? Too done? it could be habit forming... I've imagined inventing a sabbatical and travelling. A wandering travel(b)logue? A Kerouac style On the Road thing? - or maybe there's just a lovely book at the end of this rainbow... who knows, such is the nature of imaginings.

With some wonderful help (hi M!) we'll be tinkering and making changes and improvements to the site - adding comments and memberships, a minimalist eCommerce section for prints (I'm rooting for a good solution) an image gallery... and in time one or more of those imagined initiatives as they come onto the horizon. All this to to say, I'm wading in...

and it all starts with a start... only 19,999 meters to go!
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