A Vertical Pandemonium

A Vertical Pandemonium

In the fall of 2023, I started making vertical panoramas. Curious about capturing a different sense of the trees along my walks, I tried to capture the environment I was in – not something I was looking at. I experimented by misusing my mobile phone's horizontal panorama feature and the results were curiously cool.

I felt it might be a thing to share...

Here's how I made them...

With a mobile device set for panoramas held sideways, I started shooting then slowly raising the phone upward in an arc over my head... stretching my arms and bending backwards the last little bit to capture what was behind me. The last part is a free mini yoga stretch and is a total shot in the dark – Trust in serendiptity!

The only trick was stretching either arm to keep the arrow aligned to the guideline since the horizontal axis on the phone was now vertical - not intuitive at first, but I got the hang of it - it's like flying a kite!

Fun to do and a welcome antidote to the square... I see another book project in the works! I long tall skinny flippy book? A rolly-polly book?

A Collection of Vertical Panoramas

How about a ziggy-zaggy vertical-pano viewer?

For the techno readers...
How about a modified image carousel widget - like this - with prev/next arrows above and below the images, to create the following interaction:

Upper arrows load the top of the next/previous pano. Lower arrows load the bottom of the next/previous pano. The image scrolls top to bottom, then bottom to top
  • Each vertical pano could be a post in a v.pano post template
  • Upper nav arrows navigate to the top of the prev/next image (maintains viewport).
  • Lower nav arrows navigate to the bottom of the prev/next image (maintains viewport).
  • Nav behaviour only applies to vertical panoramas (v.pano post template).
  • Nav functionality for all other images on the site remains unaffected.
  • For Mobile - swipe functionality.

Alrighty, Merci Beaucoup for scrolling down here - I'll add more panos to this collection over time!