I grew up in the company of these amazing beings, in-breath by day, out-breath by night. They are something for
From the sketchbook...
From the playbook...
Stay still?
Get dancing?
From the sketchbook...
¼ immeasurable,
standing in the middle,
one moment begets the next – mist daily.
Have a misty Monday!
Equanimity, by Lexxfrom
back seat driver
Looming brick walls notwithstanding, it can sometimes be hard to tell who is actually doing the driving as we make
From the sketchbook...
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then
don't mind (another) gap
Thanks for indulging me, dear reader, as I wander around a bit more in the world of gaps. Gaps are
From the sketchbook...
Happy Monday! Stay Safe...
mind the gap
mind the gap.
Gaps are weirdly compelling. Some more than others. In their recursive duality of fixity and in-betweenness, there