Freud's Couch

A skeleton walks into a bar
I'll have a beer... and a mop"

In these weird angsty times when nothing seems okay, I notice the uncomfortable feelings that linger in my body—a pervasive anxiety mixed with a sense of paralysis. A looming dread served with a side of discombobulation, some angst and agitation and the squeeze of time. It's a curious cocktail...

A recipe for Joie de Vivre cocktails goes horribly wrong

In my wanderings with augmented reality (in the works and coming soon :-) – I fell into a rabbit hole of animating drawings and sketches. It's been great fun and it's a good antidote to the pervasive dissociation I feel in these times.

Hand-made animations are time-sinks and I'm always curious to explore what's new in the terrain of shortcuts (I see a drawing)... while travelling through the blooming mushroom fields of AI (another), I came across a demo by Meta.

Animated Drawings
Transform static sketches into fun animations
Try it now!

OK, I'll give it a try... I feel the guilt of participating in the enormous environmental footprint of such frivolous generative shenanigans (fiddling while Rome burns) I am curious though and reluctantly agree to their unexamined terms...

"Upload a drawing of one character."

OK, How about this character...

Fred A. Stare

Some clicks and drags and then in a few short moments, some very animated characters... (videos on the Reluctant Illustrator website)


Skeleton Dance - Running Jump

And a few additional clicks reveal these virtuosic dance moves...


Shuffle Dance


Dab Dance


Hip Hop Dance

All song and dance, and those little dopamine hits.

I'll hold out for the delight of the hand-made and the bliss of the time-sink. As the tide rises around me, I hope that Freud's couch will float, though it does look kinda heavy – who knows, maybe there are pontoons hidden under the carpets?

Freud's well worn couch, London, 2004 - Wikimedia, photo by Robert Huffstutter

As always, thanks for reading and indulging!
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