4 min read

Bahamut - iv

Bahamut - iv
a single grain of sand

(part four)

After my first round of experimenting with colouring on the laptop (meh...) I remembered my old iPad. I had tried working with it before and found the whole affair way too slippery, the iPad was slippery, the pen was slippery, and the glass was slippery, and after slipping and sliding around with it for a while – it sat on the shelf.

So I dusted it off, reluctantly bought a case with a swivel thingy so it didn't slide around, and then reluctantly bought a magnetic paper-texture overlay for the glass, and wow – it's a whole 'nuther thing – it's always amazing how little things can make a big difference.

Playing with Procreate was fun, colouring was fun... hey, wait, I was having fun! The app is made for the tablet and is easy to learn, with lots of cool brushes and drawing stuff - round trips between Photoshop and Procreate are seamless... Airdrop seems to work fine, and using a pen is familiar territory – it's like coming home!

I figured that this could be workable, and embarked on some colour studies – I'm still experimenting with colour and curious to hear how my blustering incursion into Colourland, lands with you – share any stray thoughts.

OK, here are a few colour studies:

...on a single grain of sand

Okely Dokely, it's on to Episode Four (it's the final episode!) in the Song of Bahamut. As usual, and for memory's sake, here's the last drawing from the previous post on Bahamut...

Which Floats in the Eye of Bahamut... Like a Mote of Dust.

Bahamut - Part Four

No one has seen Bahamut.

Some Think it's a Fish...

Some Think it's a Newt...

All We Know is the Lonely Bahamut...
Floats Endlessly... Through All Space... and All Time...
With All of Us and Everything...
In a Single Tear

Of Its Eye.

[The End]

Woohoo! Well, it's been way more fun to do this cool little Special Project than I had imagined - and it ain't over yet... refining the lettering and typography and – all the colouring!

Big thanks again to Wade Schuman, lead of Hazmat Modine, who graciously let me work with the Bahamut lyrics – here's the video link for anyone who missed it earlier: Bahamut by Hazmat Modine (7.32 min.)

Alrighty, thanks for engaging with me in my shenanigans with The Song of Bahamut!

I'm putting together a complete version of this book, along with the colour studies, and will enter the big bad world of kids' book publishers. I know some of you have experience publishing your work...
I'd welcome your thoughts and insights.

As always, thanks for reading and indulging!
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