Bahamut - iii

(part three)
I'm flip-flopping (in so many other ways too, but that's a different epic)
I planned to stay the course with making a colouring book with this work... and yet, I keep receiving queries about illustrations with colour. I had to admit to myself that the colouring book may have been a bit of a projection of mine in terms of activity... a wishful thought. I've had to recognize there's a gap between the content of this story and the scope of a colouring book.
Mind the Gap.
When it comes to any potential audience, I'm usually looking for the hybrid and the outlier... however, in this case, I've started to flip-flop. Hybrid and outlier is hard going and being a bit weary of bush-whacking, maybe some colourful illustrations could be cool. Worth exploring I said to encourage myself and then started experimenting with colouring some of these drawings with my trusty digital toolkit. No AI was awakened.
My plan – there's always some kind of plan, even if it's 'emergent' – was to let the colour palette evolve with the storyline and reflect the changing terrain.


watercolour brushes?

lighter watercolour brushes?
Okay, on to Episode Three in the Song of Bahamut. For memory's sake, here's the last drawing from the previous post on Bahamut...

Bahamut - Part Three
And the Plain is Balanced Precariously on The Top of a Thin Green Acacia Tree, that Grows...

...stay tuned for Episode Four!
The recursion of scale of The Song of Bahamut reminds me of Charles and Ray Eames's now goofy film from waaay back in 1977... Powers of Ten: [9.02 mins]
The film is derived from an even older work - 1957 - Kees Boeke's The Cosmic View. The Universe in 40 Jumps.
Alrighty then - more shenanigans from The Song of Bahamut coming soon - share any comments.
As always, thanks for reading and indulging!
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